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Know About IAF

Welcome to IAF India – a vibrant community of facilitators with a global footprint. The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) is an international organisation, headquartered in the Ontario, Canada. The IAF brings together and supports facilitators all over the world. IAF-India is a Chapter in the Asia Region.

We strive together, to promote excellence in the use of all things facilitation to create far-reaching ripples of engagement and impact.

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Message from India Chair

Welcome to our community of professionals who are keen on ‘making a difference’ both in their own lives and the community around us.

Powerful, effective facilitation changes the way people think and act, which in turn enables them to make significant changes in the world around them. Be it in organising and mobilising resources, reducing conflict, enhancing productivity, improving results, developing leaders or even in social causes like ensuring education and healthcare, facilitation is applicable and impactful everywhere. As members of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF), we are primarily focused on promoting the spirit of facilitation across all walks of life.

The IAF India chapter is aligned to the IAF Global vision of using professional facilitation to address challenges faced by people in their groups, organisations and communities.

Our members, spread across Six Hubs in the country, work closely with Corporate houses, NGOs, with Educational bodies, in Healthcare and other verticals to build awareness around the 'power of facilitation’. Our members – individuals as well as organisations - have also received global accolades (Facilitation Impact Awards, FIA) for using process facilitation and bringing significant impact in their areas of engagement.

Given the impact facilitation has, we are inviting more people to join hands with us and start spreading the power of facilitation.

Come, join us if you are keen to make a difference too!


When you become a member of the International Association of Facilitators, you are not buying a service, but rather joining a global community.
(Martin G., IAF member, Manchester, UK)

Upcoming Events

Read below to know more about our upcoming events in India as well as International.

IAF India Events

IAF India - Chennai Hub invites you to an engaging session on POSH. The session will inspire participants to co-create awareness, understand the Law and empower people around us seek redressal.


Join IAF India - Bengaluru Hub in an In- Person session, to experience the magic of Improv. Learn the essence of improvised storytelling to unlock the creative potential of a group.

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Join IAF Pune Hub for a exclusive session with two objectives of outreach and outbound session amidst the natural surroundings of strawberry farms at Wai, Maharashtra.


One of the areas where facilitation has created an impact towards results and relationships, is the CORPORATE world. We have focused across the corporate spectrum in the past, and continue to do so. Some of the work we have done in the past year include


As we move forward in alignment with our global credo of promoting the power of facilitation everywhere, we have partnered with various COMMUNITIES to help them achieve their results and amplify their productivity using facilitation processes and techniques. Some of our areas that we are proud about include


We aim to bring facilitation to all walks of society. In our endeavours, we partner with various INSTITUTIONS like Education, Rotary, etc. to bring about a change. Some of our work include


The Facilitation Impact Awards (FIA) honours organisations that have used facilitation to achieve a measurable and positive impact as well as the facilitator(s) who worked with them. We are proud to share India’s Top Facilitation Talent who won these global awards this past year.

Our Global Presence

We are a global body and are present in 7 Regions as shown below, of which India Chapter comes under Asia Region. Click here to know more about our global presence, as well as for our hubs across India.

Our Global Presence

We are a global body and are present in 7 chapters, of which India is one. Click here to know more about our global presence, as well as for our hubs across India.

Canada Click Here


Latin America and Caribbean Click Here


Asia Click Here


Europe and Middle Ease Click Here


Oceania Click Here


United States Click Here


Africa Click Here


1. Delhi
2. Mumbai
3. Hyderabad
4. Bangalore
5. Pune
6. Chennai


What Our Members Say

The proof of the pudding is always given by the one who ate it! Some members speak of the value they receive by being IAF members


OCT-DEC 2020
APR-SEP 2020